Two Retreats

ADRIAN, MI - Finding Stillness in a Frantic World - 9 am to 4 pm

Join us as we spend a gentle day, learning how to identify our triggers. Practice finding that sense of

peace that we seek, while acknowledging the demands and sorrows of life. Stillness and quiet come

from facing our challenges, not suppressing nor reacting to them.

You'll learn different practices to use during the day for keeping our heart open to all the experiences of

life, thus adding calm to your life and our world.

To register, Please click here.

FORT WAYNE, IN - Holding the Opposites: Joy and Sorrow

    October 4-6 - Non-residential

Dukkha, suffering, is the main teaching of the Buddha – that it exists, its causes, and that it is possible to live a life without it. Why is it so hard to do? Why does our life still have moments of resistance, stress, malaise? Why does the world’s suffering sometimes seem so overwhelming?

The most common word in the Buddha’s teachings is mindfulness – being present non-judgmentally to what is occurring in this moment. Resting in this moment can bring gratitude, awe and joy. Can we live from that space in joy and remain present to the suffering?

This weekend retreat will study how to hold them both – the joy and the sorrow – in a heart broken wide open, therefore allowing our gifts to pour into the world.

To register, Please click here.

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